My love of language has shaped my life.
Since I was young, I have been fascinated by human language. Over the years, I’ve studied several languages—from Arabic to French to Swahili—and in the course of earning advanced degrees in linguistics, I also studied how English and many of those languages work.
As an editor and writer for more than 30 years, I have used my deep knowledge of language and storytelling to write material for a wide range of audiences and media, edit everything from books to brochures to websites, coach public speakers on their delivery, and write and produce several videos, including one nominated for an Emmy.
Exacting copyeditor
When fine-tuning a text—ensuring consistency of style and tone, correcting errors, and rewriting as necessary—I take care to maintain the author’s voice. I concentrate on the rhythm and flow of sentences; every word plays its part. And I’m skilled at transforming complex material into language accessible to general audiences.
Versatile writer
Among the things I have written: web copy, brochures, magazine articles, fact sheets, annual reports, fundraising materials, newsletters, marketing collateral, stories for schools about students and donors and alumni, speeches, videos, and a 250-page doctoral dissertation (my own).
Skillful content manager
I am adept at creating web-friendly content and determining the best way to set up a site so it makes sense for the user, is easy to navigate, and accomplishes the client’s objectives.